GBF Ministries
Benevolent Fund
Description: Funds collected in a special offering once a month to be distributed to church attendees or members of the community in need.
Leader: Elders
BLBC Representatives
Description: Liaisons between Bear Lake Bible Camp and GBF Church. Part of the BLBC board as GBF church representatives.
Leaders: (Volunteer Needed)
Board Chair
Description: Provide leadership to the board.
Leader: Jason Reimer
Description: Activity sheets for during the sermon for children ages 4 - Gr 4.
Leader: Treasa Breen
Description: Decorate the church and oversee seasonal decorations.
Leader: Twyla Unger
Description: Repairs and upkeep of the GBF building and land.
Leader: (Volunteer needed)
Description: Oversee bookkeeper and aid in financial matters.
Leader: Graham Plett
Food & Special Events
Description: Plan and coordinate special events, Sunday morning coffee & tea.
Leader: (Volunteer Needed)
Hand-Me-Down Depot
Description: Wednesday Afternoon - coffee & fellowship and free clothes
Leader: Stacey Reimer
Janitorial Service
Description: Cleaning and organizing the church building.
Leader: Jessica May
Description: The library has many resources for every age to enjoy. They accept donations and donate what they don’t use to Christian Salvage Mission.
Leaders: Jeanette Beyer & Tina Derksen
Media & Promotions
Description: Video Announcements, ProPresentor, website.
Leader: David Balisky
Missions Committee
Description: Be a liaison between GBF supported missionaries and the church. Decide on new applications for financial support.
Leader: Les Derksen
Office Admin/Bookkeeping
Description: Assist pastors, bulletins, website, communication, bookkeeping & office admin.
Leader: Treasa Breen
Prayer Ministry
Description: Prayer meetings Sunday morning. (Currently on hold)
Senior’s Services
Description: Schedule Sunday afternoon services for Senior’s homes in Grande Prairie.
Leader: Len Breen
Sound Tech Coordinator
Description: Purchase and upkeep of sound equipment. Organize sound tech training.
Leader: Arlen Brown
Sunday Morning Coffee Crew
Description: Sunday morning coffee making and clean up.
Leader: Nelie Rylaarsdam
Description: Schedule and lead ushers for Sunday mornings.
Leader: (Volunteer Needed)
Worship Teams
Description: Schedule and lead Sunday morning worship teams.
Leader: Arlen Brown
Children’s Ministries
Adventure Kids
Description: S.S. program for ages K - Gr. 6 during the second service.
Leader: Emilee Provencher
Infant Nursery
Description: Childcare for infants up to age 2 during the second service.
Leader: Emilee Provencher
Youth & Young Adult Ministries
Sr. & Jr. High Youth
Description: Friday night events & teaching time.
Women’s Ministries
Baby/Wedding Showers
Description: For those who are attending our church and are getting married or who are having their first baby since being a part of GBF we love to celebrate with a shower! It is a great time of fellowship while we celebrate, together, these exciting milestones.
Leaders: Stacey Reimer
Ladies Bible Study
Description: Wednesday morning bible study and prayer time.
Leader: (Volunteer Needed)
Men’s Ministries
Men’s Events
Description: Special events & retreats for men getting together to strengthen relationships with God and with each other.
Leaders: (Volunteer Needed)